Класични скулптури облечени како хипстери

Со што се претерува моментално во урбаниот изглед? Со тоа спомениците. Со што се претерува во модниот изглед? Со тоа хипстеризмот. А за чудо, кога би се споиле овие два лоши тренда, резултатот не би бил многу лош.

Classical sculptures dressed as hipsters look contemporary and totally badass
Classical sculptures dressed as hipsters look contemporary and totally badass


Classical sculptures dressed as hipsters look contemporary and totally badass
Classical sculptures dressed as hipsters look contemporary and totally badass

Classical sculptures dressed as hipsters look contemporary and totally badass
Classical sculptures dressed as hipsters look contemporary and totally badass

Classical sculptures dressed as hipsters look contemporary and totally badass
Classical sculptures dressed as hipsters look contemporary and totally badass

Classical sculptures dressed as hipsters look contemporary and totally badass
Classical sculptures dressed as hipsters look contemporary and totally badass

Classical sculptures dressed as hipsters look contemporary and totally badass
Classical sculptures dressed as hipsters look contemporary and totally badass

Classical sculptures dressed as hipsters look contemporary and totally badass
Classical sculptures dressed as hipsters look contemporary and totally badass

Classical sculptures dressed as hipsters look contemporary and totally badass
Classical sculptures dressed as hipsters look contemporary and totally badass

Classical sculptures dressed as hipsters look contemporary and totally badass
Classical sculptures dressed as hipsters look contemporary and totally badass


Photos by photographer Léo Caillard and photo editor Alexis Persani. - See more at: http://todayilearned.co.uk/2013/06/13/classical-sculptures-dressed-as-h…
Photos by photographer Léo Caillard and photo editor Alexis Persani. - See more at: http://todayilearned.co.uk/2013/06/13/classical-sculptures-dressed-as-h…
Photos by photographer Léo Caillard and photo editor Alexis Persani. - See more at: http://todayilearned.co.uk/2013/06/13/classical-sculptures-dressed-as-h…
Photos by photographer Léo Caillard and photo editor Alexis Persani. - See more at: http://todayilearned.co.uk/2013/06/13/classical-sculptures-dressed-as-h…
15 јуни 2013 - 19:35