Како Меси ги троши своите пари?

Мајсторот многу држи до својата приватност. Веројатно тоа му помага да обрнеме внимание на неговата игра, а не на она што го прави надвор од теренот.

Лани заработи 41,3 милиони долари, помалку само од Роналдо.

He made $41.3 million last year, behind only Cristiano Ronaldo among active players.
He made $41.3 million last year, behind only Cristiano Ronaldo among active players.

Догодина ќе го претица Роналдо бидејќи неодамна потпиша договор на 27 милиони долари годишно.

He'll pass Ronaldo next year. He just signed a new deal that will pay him $27 million per year.
He'll pass Ronaldo next year. He just signed a new deal that will pay him $27 million per year.

Надвор од теренот речиси уште толку. Од реклами 21,5 милиони годишно.

He makes just as much off the field, earning $21.5 million in endorsements.
He makes just as much off the field, earning $21.5 million in endorsements.

Најголем поединечен спонзор му е Адидас кој за тоа плаќа 4 милиони годишно.

Adidas is his biggest sponsor, paying him a reported $4 million per year.
Adidas is his biggest sponsor, paying him a reported $4 million per year.

Има договори и со Жилет, Самсунг, Геторејд и уште неколку пристојни фирми.

He also has deals with Gillette, Samsung, Gatorade, and a slew of other companies.
He also has deals with Gillette, Samsung, Gatorade, and a slew of other companies.

Колку ѝ значи на Барцелона? Клуб кој ќе реши да го откупи од нив ќе треба на Барса да ѝ плати 340 милиони долари.

Messi is so valuable to Barcelona that if he ever leaves, the club that buys him will have to pay a $340 million buy out.
Messi is so valuable to Barcelona that if he ever leaves, the club that buys him will have to pay a $340 million buy out.

Меси е еден од оние кои многу држи до својата приватност. Постојат малку знаци дека е тоа човек кој заработуа 40 милиони годишно.

Messi is one of the most private athletes in the world. There are only a few signs that he lives likes a guy who makes $40 million per year.
Messi is one of the most private athletes in the world. There are only a few signs that he lives likes a guy who makes $40 million per year.

Виден е во Maserati GranTurismo MC Stradale (240.000 долари).

He has been spotted in a $240,000 Maserati GranTurismo MC Stradale.
He has been spotted in a $240,000 Maserati GranTurismo MC Stradale.

Со неколку членови од пошироката фамилија живее на голем имот надвор од Барцелона. Скара, нормално.

He and a few extended family members live in a massive compound outside Barcelona. There's a top-notch Argentine asado set-up.
He and a few extended family members live in a massive compound outside Barcelona. There's a top-notch Argentine asado set-up.

Го има задржано својот дом во Аргентина иако никој не живее таму.

He still owns and maintains his childhood home in Argentina, even though no one lives there anymore.
He still owns and maintains his childhood home in Argentina, even though no one lives there anymore.

Ретко ама знае да изнајми приватен авион, како одел во Цирих на гала вечерта на Ballon d'Or.

He's known to take the occasional private plane, like when he went to the Ballon d'Or gala in Zurich.
He's known to take the occasional private plane, like when he went to the Ballon d'Or gala in Zurich.

Антонела Ракузо му е долгогодишна девојка.

But other than that Messi is fiercely private. We know that he has a long-time girlfriend, Antonella Roccuzzo.
But other than that Messi is fiercely private. We know that he has a long-time girlfriend, Antonella Roccuzzo.

Имаат пораснато во ист град, семејствата им се пријатели.

The two grew up in the same town in Argentina, and their families are friends.
The two grew up in the same town in Argentina, and their families are friends.

Малиот им се вика Тиаго.

They have a baby named Thiago.
They have a baby named Thiago.

Меси го има на патика.

Messi has his name on his boots.
Messi has his name on his boots.

Знае вака да се пицне за гала церемонија.

We get the occasional glimpse into his lavish side, like when he wore a polka-dot suit to an awards ceremony.
We get the occasional glimpse into his lavish side, like when he wore a polka-dot suit to an awards ceremony.

Или за прием кај Папата кој и самиот е голем фудбалски фан.

Or when he got a private meeting with the pope, himself a huge soccer fan.
Or when he got a private meeting with the pope, himself a huge soccer fan.

Или да се појави кога му земаат отпечаток за златна нога, продадена за 5 милиони долари наменети за жртвите од јапонското цунами.

Or when he agreed to have a gold cast of his foot made and sold to support Japanese tsunami relief (it went for $5 million).
Or when he agreed to have a gold cast of his foot made and sold to support Japanese tsunami relief (it went for $5 million).

А инаку, Инстаграмот му е комплетно досаден.

But unlike other modern athletes, he's not actively concerned with using his personal life to grow his brand. His Instagram is totally bland.
But unlike other modern athletes, he's not actively concerned with using his personal life to grow his brand. His Instagram is totally bland.

Ова веројатно му е најоткачената фотографија.

This is probably the wildest picture.
This is probably the wildest picture.

Но, мистеријата околу Меси најверојатно му помага.

In a weird way, the mystery of Messi probably helps him.
In a weird way, the mystery of Messi probably helps him.

Бидејќи не знаеме многу за него надвор од теренот, можеме да се концентрираме само на неговата игра.

Since we know virtually nothing of Messi off the field, we focus solely on his brilliance on the field.
Since we know virtually nothing of Messi off the field, we focus solely on his brilliance on the field.

За разлика од други....

Unlike Ronaldo, his closest rival, Messi is only judged as a soccer player, not a person.
Unlike Ronaldo, his closest rival, Messi is only judged as a soccer player, not a person.
16 јуни 2014 - 11:25