Како да сме во Матрикс

„Затворете ги школите, затворете ги и црквите“, пее пред 100 години за шпанската грозница слепиот Вили Џонсон, еден феноменален госпел и блуз уметник во кој почнува да р'ти и подоцнежниот рокенрол. Освен попустата надеж дека на луѓето ќе им дојде памет, единствено што Џонсон утна е дека Исус набргу доаѓа. Сега па уште помалку би му се доаѓало, пошто сега има прописно да го распнат на Фејсбук.     

Well, we done told you, our God's done warned you,
Jesus coming soon.
We done told you,  our God's done warned you,
Jesus coming soon.

In the year of 19 and 18, God sent a mighty disease.
It killed many a-thousand, on land and on the seas.

Great disease was mighty and the people were sick everywhere.
It was an epidemic,  it floated through the air.

The doctors they got troubled  and they didn't know what to do.
They gathered themselves together, they called it the Spanish influenza.

Soldiers died on the battlefield,  died in the counts too.
Captain said to the lieutenant, "I don't know what to do."

Well, God is warning the nation,
He's a-warning them every way.
To turn away from evil
and seek the Lord and pray.

Well, the nobles said to the people, "You better close your public schools."
"Until the events of death has ending, you better close your churches too."
We done told you, our God's done warned you,
Jesus coming soon.
We done told

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31 мај 2020 - 18:18