“At the Twopenny Hangover, the lodgers sit in a row on a bench; there is a rope in front of them, and they lean on this as though leaning over a fence. A man, humorously called the valet, cuts the rope at five in the morning. I have never been there myself, but Bozo had been there often. I asked him whether anyone could possibly sleep in such an attitude, and he said that it was more comfortable than it sounded — at any rate, better than bare floor.”
Џорџ Орвел во „Никој и ништо во Париз и Лондон“ (или„ На дното и отфлен во Париз и Лондон“)
“We ... made it a point of honour to find out whether you were roosting in a tree in the Champs-Elyses, or in one of those philanthropic abodes where the beggars sleep on a twopenny rope.”
Оноре де Балзак во Шагринска кожа