Здраво Трендо,
Испраќам една кратка сторија и се надевам ќе бидете заинтересирани да ја објавите на off.net. Со цел да се долови духот на целата ситуација во прилог е комплетниот маил кој го добив од колешка од Шкотска .
Краток опис: Навивачи од Шкотска кои биле во Македонија на последниот фудбалски натпревар Шкотска – МК имаат интересно искуство со такси возач од Скопје, доаѓаат на 10 Септември и сакаат да го најдат да му се заблагодарат.
Претпоставувам нема да биде проблем што приказната не е преведена, знам дека вие ќе ја спакувате многу подобро од мене.
Би ве замолила да ми одговорите барем до крај на денот дали сте заинтересирани да ја објавите инаку барајте ме за било каква дополнителна поддршка во врска со евентуална објава :)
Спортски поздрав :)
Q: Is it possible to try and find, through the media, the Good Samaritan Skopje taxi driver who helped a Scottish football supporter attending a previous Scotland –vs- Macedonia match?
The short version of the story is:
'The last time Macedonia hosted Scotland for an International football match in Skopje, Douglas McCreath and 3 friends travelled from Scotland to Skopje to watch the game (see attached photo). On the evening after the match, Douglas and his friend Billy left their two friends in Skopje city centre (Richard and Douglas' son-in-law Neil) , to head back to their hotel. All of Douglas' money was bundled in his "sporran" (part of Scottish traditional dress) - Macedonian Denars, Bulgarian Levs and Euros. On arriving at the hotel in the taxi, Douglas struggled in the dark to find Denars from his sporran to pay the driver, ...eventually did so, left the taxi and went into the hotel. Once in the room Douglas discovered that he had mislaid his wallet with credit cards in the backseat of the taxi (mislaid whilst looking for money in his sporran in the dark)
Douglas, understandably was rather distraught......and at a loss as what to do.
Sometime later, still awake and berating himself, Douglas heard a knock at the door. Richard and Neil burst in waving Douglas' wallet.
Incredibly, Richard and Neil had gone to the same taxi rank in Skopje city centre to take a taxi home. En route, the driver held up Douglas' Scotland Supporters card (with his picture on it). "Do you know this man", he asked. "That's my father-in-law", gasped Neil. "Is he OK?"
The taxi driver told him that Douglas had been in his taxi earlier and had left his wallet. After they proved to him that they knew Douglas - by showing digital photos taken earlier, the driver passed over the wallet, explaining that there hadn't been any money in it.; which of course was true - it had all been in Douglas' sporran!
Of all the taxis in Skopje, what were the odds of both sets of friends getting into the same one?
Douglas unsuccessfully tried contacting the Skopje press on his return to Scotland.
Douglas is returning to Skopje on 10 September and wondered if the above is fit for a match day story that the papers etc would considering using;...... with the possibility of finding the driver to say thank you."
Stranger things have happened (as you will see above) and I thought it was worth a short email to see if you may be open to help.......