Кариерата и бројките на маестро Кире заслужуваат документарен филм

Со максимална и целосна посветеност на водење спортски живот, поткрепени со голем талент и квалитет, Лазаров успеа да нанижи долга 27 годишна кариера во која оствари успеси кои илјадници спортисти може само да ги сонуваат. Ракометот како спорт во Македонија со него доби нова димензија и тој едноставно стана синоним за ракомет со кој засекогаш ќе се гордееме и ќе им раскажуваме на внуците. 1 минутно видео кое најдобро покажува кој е Кире Лазаров.

Како ли најдобро да се долови кариера, ако не во документарец, на човек со 56 клупски трофеи1.728 репрезентативни гола, прв ракометар во историјата што станал најдобар стрелец на ЕП и СП, како и рекордер по број на голови во ЛШ.

Ако на некој уште не му е јасно каква величина заминува во играчка пензија, нека одвои малку време за детаљи:

56 trophies

Won the EHF Champions League: 1 with FC Barcelona (Spain))

Won the IHF Super Globe: 3 times (1 with Atletico Madrid (Spain) and 2 with FC Barcelona (Spain))

National champion: 18 times (2 with Pelister (Macedonia), 7 with Badel 1862 Zagreb (Zagreb Kroacija osiguranje Zagreb) (Croatia), 5 with Foteks Veszprem (Hungary)) 4 times with Barcelona (Spain))

Won the national cup: 19 times (2 with Pelister (Macedonia), 5 with Badel 1862 Zagreb (Zagreb Kroacija osiguranje Zagreb), 5 with Foteks Veszprem (Hungary), 3 in Ciudad Real (Atletico Madrid), 4 in FC Barcelona (Spain))

Conqueror of ASOBAL Cup: 5 time (1 with Atletico Madrid (Spain), 4 with FC Barcelona (Spain))profil22

Won the ASOBAL Supercup: 6 times (2 with Atletico Madrid and 4 with FC Barcelona (Spain))

Won the Catalan Supercup: 2 with FC Barcelona (Spain))

Won „Trophee des champions": 1 with HCB Nantes (France)

Won „Coupe de la Ligue": 1 with HCB Nantes (France)

Other notable results:

- Final Champions League: 2 times (2 times with Atletico Madrid (Renovalia Ciudad Real)

- Semi-final of the Champions League: 2 times (2 times you Foteks Veszprem)

- Final IHF Super Globe - 2 times (2010 with Al Saad (Qatar) and 2011 in Ciudad Real (Spain))

- MVP of the EHF Champions League 2011/12 under the "Planet Handboll"

- MVP of IHF Super Globe - Doha 2010

- MVP of the EHF European Cup - Serbia 2012 by "Planet Handboll"

- The best goalscorers in the history of EHF Champions league and in the history of Champions league Final four

- Top scorer of the Champions League: 2 times (1 with Foteks Veszprem and 1 with Kroacija osiguranje Zagreb)

- Won the 5th place in Macedonia in the European Championships in Serbia in 2012

- Best scorer of the tournament with 61 goal of 7 matches

- Winner of 11 seats with Macedonia World Cup in Croatia in 2009

- The best scorer with 92 goals of 9 matches at World championship. This result is best achieving a top scorer in the history of World Cups.

- The best scorer at World championchip 2017 with 50 goals

- Kiril Lazarov is first handball player who became the top scorer in the European and World Championships

- All-time best goalscorer in the european cups - 1000 goals

- 5th place winner of the European Championship for Young Israel in 1994profil33

- Conqueror of the 9 position of the European Youth Cup - Greece 2000

- The best scorer of the Balkan Championship in 1999

- Athlete of Macedonia in 2009 , 2014, 2017, 2018

- Athlete of Bitola in 1999

- Athlete of Veszprem in 2006

- Ambasador of sport in Macedonia

- The best foreign player in the championship in Hungary in 2005 and 2006

- First and only Macedonian handball player - champion in three different countries (Macedonia, Croatia, Hungary)

- First and only Macedonian handball player - won the National Cup in four different countries (Macedonia, Croatia, Hungary, Spain)

- Youngest Macedonian senior national team player in history - 17 years

- Youngest Macedonian player in European Cups - 15 years and 4 months

- Winner of two national medals of merit from the President of Macedonia Branko Crvenkovski (03.24.2009) and Macedonian President George Ivanov (01.30.2011)

Лазаров: Заминувам со гордо крената глава, а ова е само едно кратко довидување од ракометот

7 јуни 2022 - 12:22